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8 Sex Drive Killers that Ruin Your Romantic Date

flamingos-heartDate night can be fun, a celebration of love and romance. But for some people, romance is the last thing on their minds.  If you have a low sex drive or no sex drive, the pressure to be romantic can make date night uncomfortable.  You may want to show your sweetheart how much you care, but you just don’t feel it.

There are many reasons for low libido and some of them are not obvious.  Find out if any of the sex drive killers below are ruining your date night plans. continue reading »

7 Healthy Tips for Coping with Financial Stress

beach-stress-freeIf you feel stressed just living your life, you’re not alone.

Americans lead stressful lives.  Jobs, relationships, health, family obligations, community responsibilities—they all take their toll.

In “Stress in America 2012,” an annual survey by the American Psychology Association, 1 in 5 respondents reported an extreme stress level of 8, 9 or 10 on a 10-point scale.  In that same group 69% of respondents reported physical or non-physical symptoms of stress, including irritability or anger, fatigue, feeling overwhelmed or changes in their sleep.

The top source of stress according to 69% of the respondents is–money. continue reading »

50 Ways to Leave Your Acupuncturist

stonesI’m a lucky acupuncturist.

I work with wonderful people every day and I get to hear your stories, celebrate when you get well and watch your families grow up.

I always try to think of ways to improve your health but suddenly it occurred to me—there is one way I haven’t yet helped you.

I haven’t given you a definitive guide to staying healthy.

This pains me.  Not only have I neglected giving you the secret to good health but also if I give it to you, you’ll leave me.  You won’t need me anymore.

The more I thought about this, the more nervous I became.  You see, there’s not one way to stay well, not two or three.

In fact, there must be 50 ways to leave your acupuncturist. (Read more…)

Spring Acupuncture Tips to Keep You Healthy, Happy and Flexible

spring-has-sprungSpring is a happy time.  Bunnies hop about.  Flowers emerge in long forgotten corners of your garden.  The birds return and sing so loudly they wake you in the morning.

This is not a time to be angry.

But according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, being angry is exactly what you can expect if you don’t balance your wood element.

In TCM, spring is represented by the element wood.  Wood represents birth and newness, the time for fresh ideas and new starts.  Unsurprisingly, its color is green like the fresh growth of spring.

Wood governs your spine, joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons.  A wood imbalance can lead to spinal problems, poor flexibility or arthritis.  Wood also governs your eyes.

But most important for your mood, wood governs your liver.  Read More…

How to End the Terrible Side Effects of Breast Cancer Treatments

meridian-womanHaving breast cancer is hard.  Your body wages a war against cancer cells and your emotions may slide into fear, grief, anxiety and depression.

And unfortunately, the side effects from breast cancer treatments can make it even worse.

Until now, many people thought they had to suffer through all the discomfort.  But new research shows that acupuncture is very effective at relieving the side effects of breast cancer treatments.
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